CCILC-Macau visits ACM to promote cooperation

Release date:2020/06/18
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The Macau SAR government has been actively promoting the moderately diversified and sustainable development of the economy. In order to further understand the positioning and future development of various policies, Bernie Leong, President of the Macau Delegation of the Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCILC-Macau), recently led a delegation to visit the Macao Chamber of Commerce (ACM) and exchange views with ACM President Kou Hoi In and other executives.

Kou Hoi In welcomed the CCILC-Macau's delegation cordially, lauding the visit as being substantially significant for promoting future exchanges between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, as China has always been highly supportive of using Macau as a starting point to connect with Portuguese-speaking countries. He said that given the close economic, trade and cultural ties and exchanges between China and Portugal, it’s necessary for them to learn each other’s language, and resources should be allocated to cultivating related talents in the future. He also encouraged the CCILC-Macau to play its role as a service platform, proactively push forward related exchanges, and introduce mainland enterprises to other Portuguese-speaking countries via Macau so as to foster commercial collaboration.

Bernie Leong thanked Kou Hoi In for the warm reception and sharing. He introduced that CCILC is a non-profit organisation founded in Portugal in 1978 to promote China-Portuguese economic and trade relations, and has been committed to providing an exchange platform for the economic and trade cooperation between China and Portugal to assist Portuguese companies to develop in China. Since Macau is an important platform for China and Portugal, and with the increasingly frequent exchanges between the two countries, the CCILC officially established CCILC-Macau in Macau in 1992, hoping to strengthen the cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries in different fields.

Bernie Leong said to further promote economic and trade ties between China and Portuguese-speaking countries, CCILC will join the Macao Chamber of Commerce (ACM) as one of the members. Kou Hoi In welcomed the move, and expected that CCILC can make more positive contributions to the development of Macau's business community and society. He hoped that through the collaboration and closer ties, Macau will become a sound and solid platform for the development and exchanges between the mainland and Portuguese-speaking countries, promote bilateral cooperation and encourage active participation of partners.

The Macau government repeatedly highlighted in the 2020 Policy Address the importance of supporting the development of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area based on the “One Centre, One Platform, One Base” policy and the policy of integration into national development to push for economic diversification. Hengqin is instrumental in helping Macau further integrate into national development. More local companies from Macau will set up footholds in Hengqin to help companies from Portuguese-speaking countries tap into mainland market and extend the international trade between Macau and Portuguese-speaking countries to Hengqin, in a bid to contribute to economic diversification.

The delegates were received by representatives from the ACM, including President Kou Hoi In; Vice Presidents Vong Kok Seng, Frederico Ma, Mok Chi Wai and Ip Sio Kai; Standing Committee of Director Wong Ian Man and Deputy Secretary General Leong Heng Wa.

CCILC Macau representatives that took part in the visit included the President of  the Board of Directors Bernie Leong, Vice-President of General Assembly Rui Pedro Cunha, Carlos Álvares, Secretary Frederico Rato,Vice-President of Board of Directors Rui Jorge da Silva Cernadas, Board of Directors Members Artur Santos, Filipe Cunha Santos, Constantino Mousinho, Li Jie, Vice-President of Supervisory Board Carlos Simões, Member of Supervisory Board and Secretary of Board of Directors Cecilia Nip.

